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General Appropriations Bill  24-25  Pre-Veto

2024 Budget Veto Message

Pre-Veto County By County Budget Allocations in the 24-25 Budget

The State Budget for 24-25 is signed, sealed and delivered.

Governor Ron DeSantis has signed the 2024-25 budget (HB 5001) and released his list of line-item vetoes totaling $949,611,399. 

Here are links to documents for you to dig deeper into what made and what didn’t.  

Copy of Appropriations Bill – Prior to Vetoes –
General Appropriations Bill – 24-25 – Pre-Veto

2024 Budget Veto List –
Veto List of 2024-25 Budget items

Governor’s Transmittal Letter –
2024 Budget Veto Message

Pre-Veto listing of Project and Program funding –
County By County Budget Allocations in the 24-25 Budget

FSBA/FADSS Annual Summer Conference | June 5 – 7

Link to Conference Registration

Link to tentative agenda

Activities specifically scheduled for Small Districts

  • Wednesday – 1:45-3:14 –- Snowy Egrets –THIS MEETING IS AN FSBA SESSION FOR SMALL DISTRICTS  This session  conversation is intended to build upon the foundation set by last year’s Meaningful Conversations and Collaboration series.   This time slot and meeting is scheduled for School Board Members from small districts to share innovative solutions, insights, and strategies for the challenges that Florida’s small districts face.  This session shifts the focus to the sharing of solutions and practical applications – Responding to your feedback from our surveys, 
  • Thursday – 7:30am-8:30am – Annual Small District Breakfast meeting will be held on Thursday June 6th at 7:30amin the Skylark Room – 14th Floor – THIS EVENT IS A JOINT MEETING OF THE FSBA/SMALL DISTRICT COUNCIL AND THE SMALL SCHOOL DISTRICT COUNCIL CONSORTIUM.    This breakfast meeting is scheduled for School Board members and Superintendents from Small School Districts.  The agenda will include organizational business items and reports.   Information will be presented on the Legislative Session, the FEFP and other items related to Small District needs.

Important Legislative Calendar Dates

December 4-8House and Senate Legislative Committee meetings
December 11–15House and Senate Legislative Committee meetings
January 9Legislative Session Begins
January 16Small County Coalition Legislative Reception and Briefing
January 17Florida Association of Counties Legislative Day
January 17Small School District Council Consortium Legislative Briefing
January 17–18FSBA Day in the Legislature, Tallahassee, FL
January 24-25Rural Counties Day – FREDA
March 8Legislative Session End

Legislative Priorities of the Small County Coalition

The Small County Coalition – 2024 Legislative Program – November 2023

Legislative Priorities of the Small School District Council Consortium

SSDCC 2024 Legislative Priorities – Adopted – Final Revised – November 2023

Bills filed related to Local Governments and/or Education

The following lists of bills are being tracked because they have or may have an impact on Local Governments, Local School Districts or Public Education.

The bill numbers are active links
Bills filed by 12-4-23 – Related to Local Government
Education Related Bills Filed for Consideration by 12-4-23

Legislative Local Budget Requests

House Local Budget Projects filed

Senate Local Budget Projects Filed

DOE soliciting input on Repeals and Revisions to K-20 Education Code

A Survey Link is Provided

During the 2023 Legislative Session, the Florida Legislature passed and Governor DeSantis signed House Bill 1, which directed the Florida State Board of Education to develop and recommend to the Governor and Legislature for adoption during the 2024 legislative session repeals and revisions to the Florida Early Learning-20 Education Code, chapters 1000-1013, Florida Statutes, to reduce regulation of public schools. The state board shall review the entirety of the Florida Early Learning-20 Education Code for potential repeals and revisions. The state board must make recommendations addressing repeals and revisions to the statutes governing the transportation of students. The state board shall consider input from teachers, superintendents, administrators, school boards, public and private postsecondary institutions, home educators, and other entities identified by the state board.
The Florida Department of Education is seeking public input via this online survey. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/FloridaHB1


Department of Education Proposes New Slate of Rule Proposals

Including Proposal to Ease requirements for Charters to Access Local Capital Outlay funding

The Florida Department of Education has published a series of proposed rules that address a variety of topics including – School Safety requirements; Threat Management; Safe Schools Canine Program; Unresolved Student Welfare Complaints; Library Materials Objections; Assessment Program; Course Funding Eligibility; Online Personal Information; and, Charter School Capital Funding.   The rule dealing with “capital outlay” would allow charter schools that receive two consecutive “F” grades (rather than one F) or three consecutive grades (rather than two consecutive grades) lower than a “C” would not be eligible for the funding. 

For additional information on the proposed rules or for submitting a comments – use the following link – https://web02.fldoe.org/rules/

The 2023 Legislative Session Adjourns 

SSDCC 2023 -Legislative Report -May 8 

Updated Calendar 

SSDCC Calendar of Events – 2023 and 2024 

Important Documents 

Getting Ready for the 2023 Regular Legislative Session

Key Dates

  • Florida Legislative Session Convenes –  March 7th
  • Small District Legislative Briefing – Adjacent to the AC Marriott March 15 –
  • Rural Days in the Legislature – April – 25-27
  • 60th day – last day of Regular Session – May 5 

Bills Filed

Important Documents

Local Project Guidelines available 

The Senate and the House have released the Guidelines and forms for seeking a local Project from the 2023 Legislature.    Linked below are information released by the Senate and the House. 

Senate Local Funding Initiative Form for Fiscal Year 2023-24

2023-24 Local Funding Initiative Request Formuse Local Funding Initiative Forms

The House released the House Appropriations Project Request Form FY 2023-24 and other materials. The 2022-24 House Rules eliminate the requirement for appropriations projects to be filed as a bill, so they will no longer need to be heard in committee. Forms are due 5:00 p.m. on Monday, February 13, 2023.

House Appropriations Project Request Form FY 2023-24  Due: 5:00 p.m. on Monday, February 13, 2023.

REACH Act Directs Reduction of the number of Workforce Boards

CareerSource Florida is engaging a Realignment Process 

CareerSource Florida is exploring approaches to aligning Florida’s 24 local workforce development boards, consistent with the charge for reducing the number of local boards under the Reimagining Education and Career Help (REACH) Act.   The REACH Act seeks to achieve a more coordinated approach in delivering and using essential workforce development resources and services through enhanced alignment and accountability.

Signed into law after the 2021 Legislative Session, the REACH Act is an effort to position Florida to help people with barriers to education and employment become self-sufficient through enhanced access to good jobs and career pathways that offer economic opportunity.

The REACH Act (House Bill 1507)

House Bill 1507 Staff Analysis

CareerSource Florida REACH Act Highlights At-a-Glance

A complete overview and analysis are available at https://careersourceflorida.com/boardroom/reach-act/.  This site includes an explanation of all facets of the REACH Act including the Phase 1 Report (which has been concluded), an outline for Phase 2, a full set of Questions and Answers about the processes used for developing final recommendations, and an overview of the metrics for assigning Grades to the 24 Workforce Boards.   Included with this briefing are the following –

Phase One Findings Report: LWDB Alignment Evaluation

Phase Two Scope of Work:  Discovery, Research, and Option Development

Investigation moving forward over Special Deals Given by Publishers to Some Districts
Small School District Council Consortium asks for Reimbursements or Credits if found! “If it is found that some districts received favorable pricing – The Small School District Council Consortium requests retroactive reimbursement or credits, and, for future purchases, equitable treatment of all districts as required by law.”

The 2022 Florida Legislature passed, and Governor DeSantis signed into law, nine sales tax holidays or temporary exemptions and a motor fuel tax exemption. The calendar below details the dates for each exemption period. For more information, visit Sales Tax Holidays.

U.S.D.A. Rural Development a key component in supporting Rural Development
USDA Rural Development is the lead Federal agency helping rural communities grow and prosper. The primary focus of the Agency is to increase economic development and improve the quality of life in rural places and small towns. 

CS/CS/HB 153
Homestead Property Tax Exemptions for Classroom Teachers, Law Enforcement Officers, Firefighters, Emergency Medical Technicians, Paramedics, Child Welfare Professionals, and Servicemembers